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Design Make Sell - Spül

Design Make Sell - Spül

The beat didn't stop, why should you?

You need to listen to your soundtrack, because a lot goes on in your day. Cables should not get in the way. Spül it, and keep rocking.

Let's set the scene for you. You've hit your stride. Everything is going well. Suddenly, *YANK*,  you accidentally pull your earphones out. And you are sad. Spül allows you to shorten the length of your earbud or headphone cables to whatever length you desire at any time, problem solved.

Spül stores and stops your earbuds from tangling when sticking them in your pocket, making it faster for you to start the party when you need to.

Focusing on the Consumer

Combining engineering integrity with creative design, our team focuses on meeting our customers needs while at the same time producing beautiful, sophisticated products. After listening to our customers, our design is light and easy to carry so you can easily spül and un-spül your cables. It also comes in different colors and sizes to suit you and your earbuds or headphones. 

What's the point?

The goal of this project is to use an innovative winding mechanism to create a consumer-focused cable management device that can only be made by a 3D printer. It operates quickly by winding the two halves of the device at once, and locks to set the user’s cable at a specific length in order to prevent the headphone cable getting caught or tangled. It is designed to be small, low-cost, and ergonomic, as well as attractive enough to compete in the consumer space.

Market planning and consumer reviews were taken into consideration when designing this product in order to make sure that the product could launch successfully. The team consisted of three people: Alyssa Posecion, Jamie Hall, and Jefferson Hancock. Together, the team went through product planning, conceptual design, detailed design, as well as through several prototypes before the final version was released.

Marketing was done by creating designs on Canva and creating vinyl stickers with the company's logo to be handed out to people.  A large vinyl sticker was also made in order to create a stencil for t-shirts to be made during the presentation.

Problems and Solutions Encountered

P: Supports could not be removed without breaking the product using the Ultimaker 2.

S: Printed the product as an assembly with multiple parts.

P: The printed assembly could not be assembled together easily.

S: The whole part was printed on a 3D printer that had dissolvable or near dissolvable supports.

P: There's too much tension on the cable as it's winded up.

S: The taper in the core of the product was removed in order to stop bunching and excess tension building up.

P: The rods that hold the top and bottom of the product are weak and bend easily.

S: The rod thicknesses were increased and instead of a taper, they were changed to solid rods.

Where To Go From Here

More marketing and advertising would need to be done in order to sell the product. We would need to display the product to a much larger audience in order to make sales.

Improvements to the actual design could also be done. More sizes that could adjust to large headphone cables or very specific models of earbuds could also be done. Attachments for either decoration or attachments for more utility could also be explored. Ideas such as personalized trinkets attached to the model were considered, as well as an attachment to hook onto a phone or house the audio jack.

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